Street Department

The Street Department is responsible for maintaining infrastructure within the City of Hamburg including streets, sidewalks and repair, guardrails, vegetation overgrowth that impacts public right-of-ways, cleaning the streets and city-owned drainage systems. They also maintain the city's traffic system including signals and signage.

The Hamburg City Yard is located at 202 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street.

Contact Info

Bobby Womack
Street Superintendent
305 E Adams St

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the Street Department pick up my leaves and tree limbs?

Yes. The Street Department will pick up leaves and limbs. The leaf vacuum truck runs from fall until early spring. When not in use, leaves must be bagged up. All limbs must be less than 4 feet long and less than 4 inches in diameter. If you would like to get on the special pick up list, please call City Hall.

How do I report a street light outage?

To report a street light outage please visit Entergy's website at or call Entergy at 800-368-3749.